Powhatan Point

Revitalization Association

Letter From President


The Powhatan Point Revitalization Association (PPRA) has been challenged in 2016 to invest in its business district. Through grant applications and revitalization development planning and government liaison, the PPRA has initiated a number actions to invigorate our downtown and business district.  As we invest in Powhatan Point, we encourage you to invest your time in us to achieve shared goals and success.


PPRA Organization Officers


President:   Michael Stora

Vice President:   Carolyn Rutter

Treasurer:   Roberta Hendershot

Operations Manager:   Bill McVey


The PPRA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (see below Art. of Inc/Bylaws), led by business volunteers, dedicated to enhancing our business district, and mindful of your concerns and support needs.


With your annual membership fee of $50, the PPRA can enlist your help in defining and developing projects that support your needs and maintain feedback with interested parties. This assures our efforts are effective and meet your expectations.


Your 2017 membership fee includes an electronic CD version “A Sesquicentennial History of Powhatan Point, Ohio”.  Make your application (see attached file below) and payment by check to “PPRA” at below mailing address.


Organizational Articles of Incorporation

Organizational Bylaws

PPRA Membership Application

PPRA Charrette Review Process


So, please join us in making Powhatan Point an attractive business/service rich environment that benefits all.


Michael J. Stora




Powhatan Point Revitalization Association, 175 Main Street, Powhatan Point, Ohio  43942

Attn:  Michael Stora, President   Email:  m.stora@ppraweb.com   Tel:  201-602-9568

Website:  www.ppraweb.com